Quietly and consistently taking responsibility. Quietly and consistently taking action. Morris raised the awareness of everyone around him through his example. That is one of the highest levels of tzedakah, of social justice – of tikun olam, making the world a better place.

During the short time he was here, Morris made the world a better place for everyone whose life he touched. He was bound for greatness.

Some of his own writings can be read on this site by clicking on the links below:

His view of corporate responsibility and social justice, written at age 17

A college essay about his love of diversity

His essay for UMass of Boston about the importance camp had in his life

His last essay written a month before it happened about the appropriate use of power and strength (Booker T. Washington quote)

From Morris' composition booklet – Journal written on Sept 11, 2002 (11 days from his 14th birthday)